Saint Kitts and Nevis assumes chairmanship of the OAS Committee on Hemispheric Security

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Washington D.C., September 6, 2024 – Saint Kitts and Nevis Assumes Chairmanship of  OAS Hemispheric Security Committee for 2024-2025. 

In a significant development for the Americas, on September 6, 2024, the Permanent  Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) elected, by acclamation, the Saint  Kitts and Nevis Permanent Representative to the OAS, Ambassador Jacinth Henry-Martin, as  the new Chair of the Council on Hemispheric Security for the 2024-2025 period. This  prestigious role was proposed by the Alternate Representative of Guyana, seconded by the  Ambassador of Mexico to the OAS, and supported by the Alternate Representative of the  United States, all of whom expressed their full confidence in Ambassador Henry-Martin’s  leadership. Colleagues of other delegations pledged their collaboration throughout her  chairmanship, emphasizing the importance of her role in addressing the security challenges  facing the hemisphere. 

In her initial remarks, Ambassador Henry-Martin underscored the priority that Saint Kitts and  Nevis places on security matters and pledged her commitment to lead and collaborate on  addressing the critical security issues facing the Americas. Representing her nation and the  CARICOM region, she recognized the pervasive nature of security threats that disregard air,  land, and maritime borders. She called for a collaborative approach to strengthening  hemispheric security and emphasized that while she is cognizant of the need for a holistic  strategy that will treat all concerns of the hemisphere, she recognized that the specific  security concerns of small developing states must be prioritized for consideration and  action. 

The chairmanship of Saint Kitts and Nevis marks a notable achievement for the Federation as the Council on Hemispheric Security plays a crucial role in safeguarding peace and  stability throughout the region. Ambassador Henry-Martin’s term as Chair will run for one  year, during which she will work to advance the shared security goals of the Americas.

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