NRP Leader congratulates young Nevisians on their achievements in her Independence Address to the Nation 

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CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS, September 19, 2024 (Nevis Reformation Party) – In an Independence Address to the Nation, Leader of the Nevis Reformation Party Hon. Dr. Janice Daniel-Hodge has congratulated two exceptional young Nevisians, Ms. Keyana Warner and Mr. Troy Nisbett, for their remarkable achievements that have brought recognition to the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. 

“I can still recall the sense of pride that swept over our nation when master Troy Nisbett wore our national colours and participated in the Olympics Games earlier this year,” Dr. Daniel-Hodge said, adding that “Just this month, Ms. Keyana Warner won the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s Tourism Youth Congress, and our country was again full of pride.”

In her Independence Address, Dr. Daniel-Hodge also emphasized the importance of nurturing young talent and fostering a culture of achievement. 

The achievements of these young Nevisians serve as a reminder of the potential that exists within the Caribbean youth and the importance of investing in their futures. With leaders like Warner and athletes like Nisbett, the future looks bright for Nevis and the Caribbean as a whole.

Dr. Daniel-Hodge also acknowledged the everyday citizens and residents who play a vital role in the development of St. Kitts and Nevis. She urged nationals to embrace and showcase the unity, pride, and strengths of our community.




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