Nevis Opposition Leader calls for togetherness as St Kitts and Nevis celebrates 41 years of Independence

Pulse Administrator
2 Min Read

CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS, September 19, 2024 (Nevis Reformation Party) – Hon. Dr. Janice Daniel Hodge, leader of the Nevis Reformation Party, has issued a powerful call for unity and collaboration in addressing the pressing internal challenges facing St. Kitts and Nevis. 

Dr. Daniel Hodge emphasized the need for unity, stating, “We must come together as one Federation, guided by a good governance agenda, to address the internal challenges that lead to corruption, rising economic disparities between St. Kitts and Nevis, the erosion of our democratic principles, and the abuse of ambiguities in our constitution.”

She also highlighted that the issues of corruption and economic inequality not only hinder progress but also threaten the social fabric of the nation. 

The Opposition Leader also emphasized the importance of a unified vision for the future, asserting that to thrive as one country, “our two islands must embrace a common destiny based on godliness, sustainability, and good governance.”

Dr. Daniel Hodge urged both politicians and citizens to embody the spirit of this year’s independence theme, “Together a People Proud and Strong.” She called for a collective effort to achieve the essence of independence, emphasizing that it is vital for fostering national pride as St. Kitts and Nevis celebrates its 41st year of independence. 


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