Basseterre, May 10, 2022: Cuba’s relations with the rest of the insular Caribbean date back to before the arrival of European expeditions, the product of migrations in the area. During the first decades of the twentieth century, thousands of workers from several of these islands in the region arrived in Cuba to participate in the thriving sugar industry, among which the arrival of day laborers from Saint Kitts and Nevis is confirmed. After the triumph of the Cuban Revolution on January 1, 1959, Havana stopped looking at its neighbors as a source of labor, and adopted a policy identified with the end of colonialism.
On May 10, 1995, Cuba and Saint Kitts and Nevis established diplomatic relations and began to develop fraternal ties.
As Caribbean nations, they all share interests, concerns, and aspirations on issues such as climate change, human development, social integration, economic development and reducing the effects of natural disasters, issues on which we must continue to work together.
Relations between our nations have been positive and have deepened over time.
For Cuba, the courageous position of support maintained by Saint Kitts and Nevis for almost three decades has been very important, despite the great challenges, pressures, and threats of the enemies of the Cuban Revolution.
Cuba appreciates the historic and unchanging position of the Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which demands every year the lifting of the blockade imposed by the United States, which affects every Cuban family.
For the past few years, the St. Kitts Nevis Cuba Friendship Association has operated in Basseterre, comprised of citizens of the Federation with a great love and commitment to Cuba. Among its main objectives, the promotion and enrichment of relations of friendship and solidarity between both nations, through mutual cooperation; support in the fight against the blockade that has affected Cuban families for more than 60 years; and the dissemination of historical and social achievements, which help to counter the international media campaign against Cuba. Also part of these activities is members of the Cuban Alumni Association, which also maintains a permanent position of support and solidarity with Cuba.
The health links between the two nations date back to 1996. Since 2003, collaborators from Cuba in the health sector have been part of medical brigades that have been renewed over the years. The current brigade is composed of twelve professionals from different specialties, who work at the Basseterre General Hospital, Joseph N. France and Alexandra Hospital in Charlestown, Nevis. Last March, the cooperation agreement in the health sector was updated, which will allow a gradual increase in the presence of Cuban health professionals in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
During the most difficult times experienced in Cuba due to Covid-19, and the impossibility of obtaining medical supplies to alleviate the situation, due to the intensification of US sanctions against this country; Saint Kitts and Nevis, along with other friendly nations, sent a donation of medical supplies from the region. The Greater of the Antilles islands expressed its gratitude for this help and cataloged it as a gesture of brotherhood.
Cuba, for its part, had the opportunity to share other positive experiences in the Covid 19 fight with this sister nation. For a year and a half, 34 collaborators, from the International Contingent of Doctors Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics “Henry Reeve”, contributed to stop the spread of the pandemic in the Federation, a fact that the main authorities of this country have recognized in several opportunities.
In terms of education, professional training has been provided to more than 100 students from SKN, graduates of Cuban universities in medical sciences, economics, engineering, among others. Added to that total there are 27 young students currently pursuing career studies in different provinces of Cuba.
Likewise, both countries collaborate and exchange knowledge and experiences in the fight against the effects of climate change, which greatly affects the islands of this area.
The Cuban Ambassador, David Rivero Pérez, on behalf of his country, ratifies his firm commitment to maintain cooperation and solidarity with this sister nation and reiterates his willingness to expand existing ties to other areas of mutual interest. In addition, it reaffirms the will to strongly support the common efforts that favor the progress of both countries.
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