Six elected Ministers of the Tripartite Unity construct were fired earlier today (May 10).
The elected Ministers, three from the People’s Action Movement and three from the Concerned Citizens Movement were signatories to a letter that was sent to the Governor-General requesting to have Dr. Harris removed as Prime Minister.
During his speech, Dr. Harris indicated that the six elected Representatives have not been attending Cabinet and therefore, they have abandoned their duties as Ministers.
He further indicated that Deputy Prime Minister, Shawn Richards, skipped three months of Cabinet meetings.
The protracted absence of the Honourable Shawn Richards from Cabinet over the past 91 days is a major breach of the Oath to which he swore following the June 2020 General Elections. Such prolonged absence is a dereliction of duty that is both inexcusable and intolerable…since the submission of the undated letter to his Excellency the Governor-General, which he received on April 21st, none of the CCM Representatives and one of the PAM Representatives have attended any meeting of the Cabinet.
Richards, Brantley, Grant, Powell, Jeffers and Evelyn made it clear in their letter, that the Prime Minister does not command the majority support of the Cabinet.
The Prime Minister also revealed that the Deputy Prime Minister’s post would be occupied by Eugene Hamilton. In addition, portfolios of the others who are no longer Ministers, were also reassigned.
Deputy Prime Minister Hamilton will now have conduct of the department and subjects under the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Posts and Urban Development that had been previously assigned to the Hon. Richards. I am also to advise that I have asked His Excellency to revoke the appointments of the other Ministers who have thought it fit to disrespect the sacred trust that the people of St. Kitts and Nevis placed in the Government following a very successful general election campaign in 2020.
…Wendy Phipps will assume the additional responsibility for Tourism and Transport, including Ports. The Hon. Attorney-General, the Hon. Vincent Byron, will assume the additional responsibility for Foreign Affairs and Aviation, Education, Youth and Sports. The Hon Akilah Byron-Nisbett, in addition to her responsibilities, will have added the portfolio for Culture. The subjects of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources and the Environment will be brought under the Ministry of Sustainable Development
Three months ago, the Leaders of the People’s Action Movement and the Concerned Citizens Movement had taken to the public domain to voice their displeasure at decisions being made by PM Harris. This continued at the People’s Action Movement Convention held in March.
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