Huie voted President of Media Association

Pulse Administrator
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By: Staff Writer

The media corps in St. Kitts and Nevis has revived the St. Kitts and Nevis Media Association to look out for the best interest of media practitioners across both islands.

On Wednesday evening (Apr. 13), the Association conducted their election. Andre Huie of SKN Newsline was elected President and his colleague Glen Bart, also of SKN Newsline was voted as First Vice President. The executive is made up of seven persons.

In his brief remarks, Huie noted that his priority areas are to have ventilated challenges facing media workers and the issue of Freedom of Information and its existing legislation.

The full executive reads as follows:


– Andre Huie

First Vice President

– Glen Bart

Second Vice President

Jermine Abel

Director of Communication:

Jamiella McPhail Storrod

General Secretary:

Natasha Morris

Assistant Secretary:

Sharon Richards


– Devin Richardson

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