Sugar Mill Real Estate Launches Little Free Libraries on Nevis

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New Little Library at Cliffdwellers

Story Credit: Suzanne Gordon

Little Free Library, an international program designed to distribute books in local neighborhoods, has been launched on Nevis, sponsored by Sugar Mill Real Estate at Cliffdwellers.

There are now eight little libraries throughout the island, each with a supply of free books to encourage people to “take a book and share a book” to keep the books in circulation.

“It’s a great way to find interesting books to read and sometimes discover something you’d never thought you’d enjoy,” said Sugar Mill owner Suzanne Gordon.

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Michelle Dore checks out the new library at Alvena Deli & Gas Station in Gingerland

“This will be a way to get hundreds of good books circulating around the island to make reading easier,” she said.

She got the idea for the libraries after she read the obituary of the late founder, Todd Bol, who had established the library idea. His first library, a little red schoolhouse, was built in tribute to his mother. After traveling to Florida, then London, and then New Hampshire, Gordon noticed these little libraries everywhere and thought they’d be terrific on Nevis.

With the help of the talented and creative carpenter Vishal Sukh, they were able to start construction on the little buildings.

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Justin Reid chooses a book at H&M Seafood Bar at Cotton Ground

The libraries are located where people often pass or stop. All of these are now registered and carry plaques indicating that they are part of the international association of libraries. Nevis will become the third Caribbean island to be listed on their World Map. There are two on Jamaica and one on Grenada.
Currently there are 100,000 libraries registered in 100 countries worldwide.

Residents are encouraged to take home books to relatives who might be housebound and unable to get to the library. Also, residents who want to donate books to keep the little libraries may add them to their closest little library. There are all sorts of books, from fiction to non-fiction, cookbooks and kids’ books, and even some music CDs.

A special thanks to the many island businesses who have agreed to host the libraries: Nevis Car Rental (Cocky’s Bar); Hillcrest Grocery & Bar in Fountain, H&M Seafood Bar in Cotton Ground, Riviere House in Charlestown, Alvena Gas Station in Gingerland, Rose Stop & Shop in Jessups, D’s Cellar in Chicken Stone, and Cliffdwellers.

There are two more libraries to be added.
Aside from Sugar Mill Real Estate, Art Santelli and Todd Miller, both of Cliffdwellers helped with the construction costs.

For information or to donate books, call 869.663.8910 (What’s App).

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