NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (June 01, 2022) — The following is an address by Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister responsible for Education in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) to declare Child Month 2022 open.
Each year the month of June is designated Child Month in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. While we took a hiatus from the actual Child Month celebrations over the past two years, many of us including teachers, parents and grandparents have had the privilege of celebrating our children daily. This year, it is indeed a pleasure to resume the Child Month celebrations under the theme, “Recycle, Save the Earth for Our Children’s Future.”
After navigating the COVID-19 pandemic for two years, we have a renewed sense of the importance of ensuring that we strive to secure the future for our children. All around the world and at all levels, we have seen the thrust towards going green and putting measures in place so that our children can have the best for their future. As such, the selected theme is an opportunity for us to share the importance of environmental preservation, through recycling with our children.
Growing up, we were introduced to the 3 Rs at an early age. This year, the children will focus on the first R – recycling.
At school, they will learn about recycling and its importance. During the month, children will be encouraged to bring at least one plastic bottle to the school with the intention of recycling. At the end of the month, all bottles will be taken to the Sustainable Project Recycling Facility at Long Point.
Parents, we encourage you to use this time to have discussions with your children about recycling. You can demonstrate recycling at home and even work together on projects. As a family, create a recycling station by placing a box in a specific location and asking your child to place plastic items such as bottles there after use.
Our activities for this year’s child month are diverse and we encourage you to join us and our children across the various early childhood centers for the following:
June 01 – Opening of Child Month and Launch of Pageant Contestants.
June 04, 11, 18 and 25 – Youth on the Go on VON Radio
June 04 and 05 – Church Services. Each center will select a church where they would worship.
June 10 – Child Month Parade starting at the Old Artisan Village and culminating at Elquemedo T. Willett (ETW) Park.
June 15 – Dancing Stars at Nevis Performing Arts Centre (NEPAC) commencing at 5:00 p.m.
June 21 – Children’s Matinee at NEPAC hosted by the V an J’s Preschool
June 23 – Meet the Education Officials at the Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park and
June 29 – Prince and Princess Pageant at 5:00 p.m. at NEPAC
June 30 – Recycle Day
Child Month 2022 promises to be engaging and interactive for our children. We will continue to do our utmost to protect our children and to keep them safe, while equipping them with knowledge and skills that they can use in the future.
Commendations to the team at the Department of Education, especially Early Childhood Unit for leading Early Childhood Development on Nevis and for coordinating the annual Child Month celebrations.
It would be remiss of me if I didn’t take this opportunity to highlight our Early Childhood caregivers who are shaping the lives of our most vulnerable daily. Your work and your contribution towards shaping the future of Nevis is immeasurable. We thank you for giving your best and giving of yourselves daily to ensure that our children are safe. We thank you for nurturing and preparing them physically, educationally and emotionally. During this Child Month and beyond, while we celebrate our children, we also celebrate you.
Former President of the United States of America, Herbert Hoover once said ‘Children are our most valuable resource’. With this in mind, I encourage all to do their part in molding and protecting our most important resource. It is indeed a pleasure, in my capacity as Jr. Minister with responsibility for Education on Nevis, to declare the 2022 Child Month open.
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