Effective 31 July 2021, all visitors arriving in Grenada by air or sea port, must be fully vaccinated.
The change in policy forms part of Government’s ongoing efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 in Grenada.
Under the new guidelines, outside of citizens and residents of Grenada, no one will be allowed to enter the country from 31 July, unless they are fully vaccinated. Citizens and residents of Grenada can return whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Outlining the coming change, Health Minister Honourable Nickolas Steele cited alarming statistics from neighboring islands which indicate that Covid-19 cases are increasing. He also noted that the move by Governments to administer the Covid-19 vaccine, has reduced the number of recorded deaths.
Barbados has recorded cases of 3 notable variants of Covid-19; Trinidad and Tobago recorded 937 Covid-related deaths, and the British Virgin Islands recorded over 1,120 positive cases within recent weeks.
According to Minister Steele, while Grenada has effectively managed the pandemic to date, there is no room for complacency.
He said:
My brothers and sisters, we are not any different from these neighbouring islands. To date, we have been spared the worst effects of the pandemic based on the restrictive measures implemented, but these have come at a significant cost and inconvenience to us all. We would hope that these restrictions do not continue and we should be looking at further easement, but the threat remains very real all around us.
The health minister urged Grenadians to get vaccinated as it is their best shot in fighting Covid-19. “Take the vaccine. Inquire with Ministry of Health officials to get more relevant information so you are not misled by disinformation.”
Since the start of the pandemic in Grenada in March last year, the country has recorded 162 confirmed cases of Covid-19.
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