Dr Douglas celebrates 30 years of parliamentary service

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By: Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St Kitts, March 4, 2019 – Leader of the Opposition, the Right Hon Dr Denzil L. Douglas said Sunday the twin island federation is still suffering badly from the scourge of crime and violence and untold social ills.

He said he is prepared to pass the baton of leadership to the next generation of leaders.

“There is increasing unemployment, underemployment and poverty, feeding into a vicious cycle of crime, insecurity and prostitution. The crisis of corruption, nepotism and poor governance is crippling the economic prospects of our people while a few gain instant and rapid wealth. Our retrogress to unsustainable national debt levels looms large and risks irreparable fiscal and economic rupture to the detriment of all,” he told the congregation at the K. J. Swanston Memorial Methodist Church in Dieppe Bay to mark a month of events to mark 30 years as the parliamentary representative for St Christopher 6 (Newton Ground to Harris’) on Sunday.

After assessing his life and the path that he took, the circumstances that shaped his outlook on life, the achievements of the community and nation that he have served, the charismatic former prime minister and current Leader of the Opposition said there is still so much that is left undone
“It is for this reason I believe that God has laid on my heart a burden to lend of my experience, maturity and leadership to make better for this our beautiful country. I know we can do better. I know we will do better by God’s help,” said Dr Douglas.

“I seek the prayers and support of the leadership and membership of this institution, and the wider community it serves. My desire is to continue to seek God’s face and to avail myself to do His will in selfless service and humble leadership. I have a solemn duty, I believe, to use the skills, experience and maturity that God has allowed me to acquire, for the benefit of his people at a time such as this. Thanks in advance for your prayers,” said Dr Douglas.

He said as he prepares by God’s will, to lead into government a team of young leaders – the Next Generation leaders who have availed themselves for service to the people and country, that success is well assured.

“The God who preordained my steps in the past will again come to our succour. The prayers that have held us in good stead when we were most oppressed and denigrated will again prove our God true. And, the support of the people which bode us well in the past will again assure and sustain our victory.

This is my only desire now – to continue to serve others, and to ensure that the baton of leadership is eventually passed, whilst we are in government, from your humble servant to another humble servant of our people. I have been truly blessed to serve, and serve I will again. My cause now is for the future of our beloved country. I believe that my service has helped to advance our nation’s cause, and I pray that we would join hearts and hands together as we seek together to further the cause of our nation, and the security and prosperity of its people.


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