T&T Prison Superintendent gunned down in Malabar

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1 Min Read

The crime scene in Malabar on Tuesday night. Photo: Curtis Chase

By: Tito Chapman

Superintendent of Prisons in Trinidad gunned down last night: According to multiple media reports, the Po­lice last night de­scribed the mur­der of the se­nior prison of­fi­cer as a hit.

Dead is Act­ing Su­per­in­ten­dent of Pris­ons Wayne Jack­son, 50. Jackson who was as­signed to the Max­i­mum Se­cu­ri­ty Prison, was shot re­peat­ed­ly as he ar­rived at his home in Mal­abar, short­ly af­ter 6.30 pm, po­lice said.

According to Guardian T&T, Jack­son served for over 30 years in the T&T Pris­ons Ser­vice and there was an out­pour­ing of grief and de­mand for jus­tice on so­cial me­dia as news spread of his killing.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said Jack­son had just pulled up in his dri­ve­way when two gun­men am­bushed him and shot him dead. He lived a stone’s throw away from the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um.

Up to press time, de­tails were still sketchy. Guardian Me­dia reported that the po­lice had re­cov­ered over 30 spent shells at the scene.

Original Story: Prison Supt Murdered In Malabar

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