Friday 14th May 2021 – As part of the regional Credit Union Movement, the St. Kitts Nevis National Co-operative League Limited joined with its Credit Union affiliates to assist our brothers and sisters in the islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Credit Union Movement operates on several principles, two of which are cooperation among cooperatives and social responsibility to the membership. Therefore, this donation to the citizens of St. Vincent and Grenadines, not only align with the principles, assist those members misplaced or in need of financial assistance and supplies, but fulfill the basic need for care and support during this disaster.
The St. Kitts Nevis National Co-operative League Limited’s motto is to strengthen the local Credit Union Movement and ensuring that every citizen and resident in St. Kitts and Nevis discovers the hidden financial gem, that is the Credit Union Movement. Knowing that there are financial institutions that understand, assist and work to ensure that each member achieves his/her financial goals brings peace of mind during these difficult times.
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