NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 28, 2020) — The following is the second address by Mr. Elvin Bailey, Supervisor of Elections regarding the by-election for Nevis 5 which is scheduled to take place on March 05, 2020.
Fellow citizens and residents,
The candidates for the by-election for Nevis 5 have been nominated. They are Mrs. Cleone Stapleton Simmonds of the Nevis Reformation Party whose symbol is the bottle, and Mr. Keith Scarborough of the Concerned Citizens Movement whose symbol is the hammer.
We congratulate both candidates on offering themselves in the service of the people of Nevis and of St. Thomas’ in particular.
I remind us all that voting Day is Thursday March 5th, and voting will take place at the Cotton Ground Community Centre, the Jessups Community Centre and the Nevis Performing Arts Centre (NEPAC). Mrs. Sherilla Nisbett is the Returning Officer for this exercise.
The polling station at the Cotton Ground Community Centre, referred to as Nevis 5(1), has 579 voters assigned. That station has been divided into two divisions: Nevis 5(1A) and Nevis 5(1B), both at the same place but with different entrances.
At Station 5(1A), the 285 voters whose surname starts with A to those whose surname starts with K will vote. At Station 5(1B), the remaining 294 voters, whose surnames start with L to those whose surname starts with Y will vote.
The officers assigned to 5(1A) are Ms. Ruth Warner as the Presiding Officer, and Ms. Dasimba Prentice as the Poll Clerk. In 5(1B) Mrs. Evelyn Smithen will serve as the Presiding Officer, supported by Ms. Joivelle Manners as the Poll Clerk.
The polling station at Jessups Community Centre, Nevis 5(2) has 658 voters. That station is also split into two divisions, Nevis 5(2A) and Nevis 5(2B); again with separate entrances. At Station 5 (2A), 330 voters are assigned. These are they whose surname starts with A to those whose surname starts with K. The other 328 voters will cast their vote at 5(2B) i.e. persons whose last name starts with L to those whose last name starts with Z.
For 2A, Ms. Clara Smithen has agreed to serve as Presiding Officer with Mr. Erin Browne as her Poll Clerk, while Mrs. Lydia Claxton and Ms. Tricia Williams will serve as Presiding Officer and Poll Clerk respectively at 2B.
At 5(3) NEPAC, and again I emphasise the Craddock Road side, 296 voters are assigned. The officers are Mr. Elvis Hamilton as the Presiding Officer, and Ms. Tamu Reid is the Poll Clerk.
The main gate at the Pinney’s side of NEPAC will be open for persons who need to drive around to the back or Craddock Road side of the building. There will be adequate signs for this and the other stations.
If you have been following closely you will notice that a total of 1,533 persons will have the opportunity to vote. This is 152 more persons than the 1,381 voters of 2017. Thus, it is important that all, and especially the new voters pay special attention to the instruction of the officers in charge of the voting stations.
Those instructions will include a reminder of the names of the candidates, the party they each represent as well as their party symbols, and an instruction on how and where to make the mark for your choice, an X. They will also direct you to where to go to make your mark. You must return your vote properly folded to the Presiding Officer for further instruction, including dipping your finger in the ink provided.
If you feel that your ballot is not properly done or spoilt, please return to the Presiding Officer and request another. The legislation allows for this. Voters will be asked not to take their cell phones into the voting area.
Please bring picture identification with you, particularly your National Identification Card. However, if the card is expired or lost be advised that you can still vote upon presentation of either a local passport, local social security card or local driver’s license, all valid. If none of these are available, the elector will be required to take an Oath of Identity in order to vote.
I need to remind the public that voting is not complete until the appropriate finger is dipped in the ink to the satisfaction of the Presiding Officer.
The Polls will be available for voting continuously from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Any and all persons who are in line at 6:00 p.m. will be allowed to vote, but no one will be allowed to join the line after 6:00 p.m.
Also, no one is allowed within 100 hundred yards of the polling site other than electoral officials, candidates and their credentialed agents. The Police will be asked to strictly enforce these rules. Also, note that it is an offence to display political paraphernalia on voting day.
At the end of voting, ballot boxes will be transported under armed guard to the Cotton Ground Police Station where they will be counted, starting at 8:00 p.m. Results will be shared with the public as they become available.
Finally, I wish to encourage all voters to exercise their franchise and to vote for the candidate of their choice, and to do so in an orderly and respectful manner.
Like you, I wish for clement weather and pray that God will continue to bless us all.
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