SKN: National Anti-Doping in Sport Education Awareness Program Launched

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Basseterre, St. Kitts. February 15, 2024. Minister of Sport et al., Hon Samal Duggins and Secretary General for the National Commission for UNESCO Dorothy Warner, officially commissioned the St. Kitts and Nevis Anti-Doping Secretariat (SKNADS) and launched the Anti-Doping in Sport Education and Awareness Program on February 15. 

The unveiling of the logo and tagline for the Secretariat, “Educate! Dedicate! Celebrate!” took place at the St. Kitts and Nevis Olympic Committee (SKNOC) Conference Center, in the presence of several student athletes, the project’s target audience.

The Minister of Sport gave the assurance of his government’s unwavering commitment to aligning with the pillars established by the UNESCO Convention Against Doping in Sport and the World Anti-Doping Agency.

“In addition to education, we are placing a strong focus on promoting ethical leadership within sports organizations. We believe that setting a positive example at the organizational level will have a profound impact on athletes and all stakeholders. Ethical leadership will serve as the foundation for a sports environment that is built on trust, accountability, and transparency,” Minister Duggins stated.

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Student athletes accompanying the above officials.

The Executive Director of the Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO) Dr. Sasha Sutherland extended congratulations to SKNADS on the launch. She stated that it shows support for values based and informed education and sport programs, in partnership with organizations such as hers.

The launch is part of the “Closing the Gap: moving to full compliance with Anti-Doping in Sport (ADiS)” Project, St. Kitts and Nevis’ submission to the UNESCO Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport, which led to the procurement of US$30,000. The project is committed to delivering two parallel objectives. It emphasizes working closely with UNESCO and the Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO) to guide St. Kitts and Nevis’ sport and medical stakeholders to attain targeted improvements in relation to ADiS technical standards. The project also features the creation and full implementation of an Anti-Doping in Sport teaching module, inclusive of the rolling-out a series of local awareness-raising activities, events and training on the virtues of anti-doping in sports directed at youth, schools, sport clubs, sport monitors across the Federation.

In addition to strategic presence at sporting events throughout St. Kitts and Nevis, the Secretariat will push jingles, promotional videos, signage and capacity building sessions in line with project objectives via various platforms.

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Minister of Sport et al., Hon. Samal Duggins, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sport Valencia Syder, Secretary General for the National Commission for UNESCO Dorothy Warner and the Acting President of the SKNOC Dennis Knight.

The launch ceremony was witnessed by student athletes, coaches, representatives from various sporting associations, a representative from the National Drug Council, officials from the Department of Sports, the Chairman of the National Sport Council and the Acting President of the SKNOC Dennis Knight. 

The Ministry of Sport has actioned several corrective measures to increase St. Kitts and Nevis level of compliance with the UNESCO Convention Against Doping in Sport, from a failing 33% to 73%. It is part of the robust National Sport Policy and accompanying Strategic Plan, tabled for full implementation.

The UNESCO Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport is a major partner in the initiative and has committed financial and technical support in the efforts to full compliance. 


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