Premier Brantley lauds the new fruit garden tour as a boost to Nevis’ tourism product

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3 Min Read
Photo Caption:  Mr. Brian Swanston, Supervisor at Cades Bay Food Orchard leads the inaugural Around the Garden Tour for officials on May 13, 2021

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 18, 2021) – – The recently launched “Around the Garden Tour” at the Cades Bay Food Orchard is being lauded as the latest addition to Nevis’ authentic tourism experiences.

Premier Hon. Mark Brantley, Minister of Tourism in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) was part of the inaugural tour of the facility on May 13, 2021 and expressed his excitement at the new venture.

“As Premier of Nevis I’m really delighted that I had the chance to experience the Around the Garden Tour.

“It’s a new development here at Cades Bay where we have had a collaboration between tourism and agriculture to produce a leisure farm that people can come to, where they can pick fruits, they can get smoothies and they can relax and I think this is a welcome addition to our tourism product…I think it is a great idea,” he said.

Photo Caption:  Premier Hon. Mark Brantley, Minister of Tourism in the Nevis Island Administration enjoying the Around the Garden Tour at the Cades Bay Food Orchard during the inaugural tour on May 13, 2021

Premier Brantley said the tour of the five-acre fruit farm was enjoyable and informative. He noted confidence that residents and tourists alike will enjoy learning about the various fruits and plants grown on Nevis, and especially being able to hand pick and eat different fruits during the tour.

Photo Caption:  Ms. Jadine Yarde, Chief Executive Officer of the Nevis Tourism Authority praises the initiative during the Around the Garden Tour at the Cades Bay Food Orchard during the inaugural tour on May 13, 2021

He congratulated those at the Ministry of Agriculture and the Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA) for bringing the project to fruition.

Ms. Jadine Yarde, Chief Executive Officer of the NTA, said the tour gives Nevis a distinct advantage over other destinations by capitalizing on the growing appeal for culinary tourism.

“We are working with our PR teams, our tour operators, educating them about this experience.

Photo Caption: Some of the fruits and agro-processed products available at the Cades Bay Food Orchard

“This is something very new and I think it’s important because people want authentic experiences in the Caribbean so when they are looking to book us as a destination we think that this is going to be one of their main stops,” she said.

According to the NTA, the Around the Garden Tour, a collaborative effort between the Ministry of  Agriculture and the Nevis Tourism Authority, will be conducted twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays and is now available for booking at email: [email protected]


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