NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (April 19, 2022) — The late Ambassador Hon. Vance Winkworth Amory, former Premier of Nevis and parliamentarian in the National Assembly of St. Kitts and Nevis, has been hailed a visionary leader and statesman whose principles should be emulated by the politicians of today.
The many virtues of Mr. Amory, the longest serving Premier of Nevis, were highlighted by former and present members of the National Assembly and the Nevis Island Assembly during a special sitting of the Nevis Island Assembly held in his honour at Hamilton House on April 19, 2022.

Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, said it was an honour to have served as Hon. Amory’s Deputy. He lamented the loss of a personal and cherished friend.
“Vance Amory was loved and revered by most. He was respected not only as a role model, but also as a pioneer. As a pioneer he opened doors and created opportunities for the next generation to build upon. He used his gifts, intellect and talents to lead, inspire and assist. Truly selfless, he continuously reached back with a helping hand as he climbed. There was no greater friend of the poor, the lost, the left out and left behind than Vance Winkworth Amory,” he said.

Dr. the Right Excellency and Right. Honourable Sir Kennedy Simmonds, a former Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis and the sole living National Hero of the Federation said he first came to know Hon. Amory many decades ago through their involvement with cricket, and who over time became someone he admired as a fellow politician. He spoke of Mr. Amory’s dedication to the betterment of the people of Nevis, and his love for the island and the entire country.
“Vance Amory was a favorite and devoted son of Nevis. Over the years he grew in stature and earned the respect and regard of the people of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. Much can and will be said about his outstanding and exceptional life of service. The late Premier Amory was a stalwart champion of the Nevisian people and a statesman of St. Kitts and Nevis. He earned the trust, respect and love of the people of Nevis and of St. Kitts. His name and legacy will live on forever,” he said.

Former Prime Minister, and Leader of the Opposition in the federal parliament, Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas said while himself and the former Premier had occasion to bump heads in the political arena during their tenures at the helm, there was a cordiality and friendliness with which they conducted their business.
“There were on many occasions when we collaborated for the benefit of the people of Nevis and the people of St. Kitts as well. I cherish those moments. He was a well-rounded personality whose contribution to his country was not limited to the field of politics. May the words and gestures of support in the days ahead provide the comfort that at this time will be so urgently needed, and may His Excellency now rest in peace eternal.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the People Action Movement (PAM) party, Hon. Shawn Richards spoke of how Mr. Amory motivated and supported him as a young politician, also sharing how the late Ambassador would send him encouraging text messages as his Cabinet colleague.
He described Mr. Amory as a fearless man and a focused, valiant political leader.
“It takes a special man with bravery to challenge his former boss and defeat him and his party after the first attempt at elective politics. The victory of the newly formed [Concerned Citizens Movement] CCM over the then twenty-two [Nevis Reformation Party] NRP in 1992, remains one of Nevis’ best political chronicles. I must opine that if [Sir] Simeon Daniel is credited as the architect of modern Nevis, then Vance Amory must also be recognized a contractor of what Nevis economy has become today.”

Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris said, “When Ambassador Amory breathed his last breath on Saturday, April 02, 2022, the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis lost a stalwart, an astute politician, and an elder statesman. On that day I personally lost a friend a principled and honest political partner in the Team Unity Government, and a fountain of wise counsel on whom I had come to rely for the past ten years.”
Also delivering remarks and condolences during the Assembly were Deputy Premier Hon. Alexis Jeffers, Hon, Eric Evelyn and Hon. Spencer Brand, elected members of the Nevis Island Assembly, along with nominated members Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams and Hon. Troy Liburd.

Hon. Joseph Parry, a former Premier of Nevis; Mrs. Jean Nisbett-Harris, former elected member of the Nevis Island Assembly; and Mr. Livingston Herbert, former nominated member in the Nevis Island Assembly in their remarks shared fond memories of interactions with the late Ambassador. The Honourable Cleone Stapleton-Simmonds, opposition member in the Nevis Island Assembly, also delivered brief remarks.
President of the Nevis Island Assembly Hon. Farrell Smithen read the message from Governor-General Sir S. W. Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP, and Ms. Myra Williams, Clerk of the Assembly read the message from Her Honour Hyleeta Liburd, Deputy Governor-General on Nevis.

Members of the Federal Government, Opposition parliamentarians in the National Assembly, members of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), along with Permanent Secretaries, Directors and other officials in the NIA were among those present in the gallery at the auspicious occasion.
A minute of silence was observed during the sitting in honour of His Excellency, the late Hon. Vance Amory.
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