Press Release from SKNLP
The St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) has consistently maintained that the General Elections held June 5, 2020 were conducted in a manner that was neither free, fair nor free from fear and represented a gross miscarriage of justice and democracy. In the face of the rampant corruption, massive fraud, widespread irregularities and allegations of bribery that were exposed after investigation into material and eye-witness accounts, we have pledged to our voters and supporters that the Party will not rest until it has pursued every lead, every piece of evidence and every witness willing to step forward until the will of the people prevails and democracy is restored to our blessed Federation.
Over the last few months, the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party has carefully and deliberately considered the evidence in our possession and have sought legal advice domestically, regionally and internationally as to the best course of action to take in our quest to seek legal redress against the illegitimate Harris administration. It is against this backdrop that the leadership and supporters of the SKNLP stand in full support of the private criminal charges of “Treating” and “Bribery” that were filed on Monday, November 30, 2020 in the Magistrate’s Court by Dr. Terrance Drew, SKNLP Candidate for Constituency #8 against , Eugene Hamilton, of the People’s Action Movement.
The two (2) criminal charges laid have been based on substantive evidence:
(1) That on a date between May 28, 2020 and June 5, 2020 in Electoral District 8 in St. Kitts and before the General Election of June 5, 2020, Eugene Hamilton, corruptly and/or with the assistance of others, gave or provided food, drink and provisions styled as “COVID Care Packages” labeled with the insignia of the People’s Action Movement and with the words “Vote for Eugene Hamilton” to persons for the purpose of corruptly influencing those persons to vote for him to procure his return as an elected member of the National Assembly in the June 5th General Election.
(2) That on a date between May 29, 2020 and June 5, 2020 at John England Village in the Parish of St. Peter on St. Kitts, Eugene Hamilton unlawfully gave or procured the giving of a gift towards the construction of a house or part of a house to a resident of John England in order to influence the individual to vote for him to procure his return to the National Assembly in the June 5th General election.
These actions, as alleged, run contrary to Section 109 (a) and Section 108 (1)(c), respectively, of the National Assembly Elections Act, CAP 2.01 of the Revised Edition of the Laws of the Federation.
The people of St. Kitts and Nevis deserve the best representation. Our Party intends to send a clear signal that the citizens and residents of our blessed country will defend and uphold the standards and principles of democracy, rule of law, accountability and transparency laid down by our founding fathers. We will not stand idly by and allow our democratic process to be mocked or hijacked. Across the region, governments are taking action to stamp out even the very perception of corruption. St. Kitts and Nevis will not be allowed to become the exception to the rule.
(A press statement issued by the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party)
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