Instagram: All Video Uploads Will Feed into Reels

Pulse Administrator
1 Min Read

By: Staff Reporter | Story Credit: Meta

On Thursday 21st July, Meta announced that virtually all video uploads will now become Reels, whether you want them to or not, while it’s also added a range of new creative tools for Reels as it doubles, and triples down on the short video format.

The main change is in bringing all video clips into the Reels feed.

Since reels offer a more immersive and entertaining way to watch and create videos on Instagram, we’re bringing the full-screen experience to your video posts, too. In the coming weeks, new video posts shorter than 15 minutes will be shared as reels. Videos posted prior to this change will remain as videos and won’t become reels.

Yes, you heard right, 15 minutes.

All of our videos have been fed into the Reels stream. Going forward, all uploaded video content will be fed into the reels section.

Once you are uploading video Instagram informs you that video post are now shared as reels.

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