Dr Drew highlights hypocrisy of Brantley/Team Unity/PAM to crime

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4 Min Read

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS Constant calls over the years by then Prime Minister the Rt Hon Dr Denzil Douglas for members of the opposition to stop politicising crime and join in the crusade to tackle the problem went unheeded, according to caretaker for St. Christopher 8, Dr Terrance Drew.

Dr. Drew said the Team Unity/PAM Government led by Prime Minister Dr. The Hon. Timothy Harris has no plans and no vision and is yet to exhibit any serious measure to arrest the escalating murders, armed robberies, rapes, burglaries and other incidents since it assumed office 20 months ago.

He recalled the appeal by Dr. Douglas in March 2009 to set party politics and all other divisive means aside and arrest the problem as a unified body.

Dr. Douglas had appealed to the opposition and NGO’s that the government on its own could not successfully win the war against crime and required all facets of society to put their shoulders to the plough and effect change and that the issue is far greater than party politics.

 “I would hate to think that in such a serious challenge for us as a nation, one would want to allow party political rancour and blame to be brought into this picture. This is too serious a national challenge for us to put within the crucible of politics, party politics. And I would hate to think that everyone who understands the situation as it is unfolding would want to blame any political party whatsoever for the serious challenge that we are facing today,” he said at a press conference.

“I believe that it is important that there be a concerted joint collaborative approach, not only among the political parties but among all stakeholders in this country in fighting crime and in particular in addressing the situation as it is today. Obviously, the police alone cannot do it. The Defence Force alone cannot do it. The Anti-Gang Unit that we have been mobilising over the last few months cannot do it alone,” Dr. Douglas said then as prime minister.

Wednesday Dr. Drew said the call by Dr. Douglas fell on deaf ears with then Opposition Leader Hon Mark Brantley suggesting in his response to the 2010 Budget  Address that the opposition had the necessity will to tackle crime but it was for the government of the day to lead or step aside and let the opposition take the lead.

“When the Labour Party was calling on all parties to sit together to discuss the issue of crime they refused to sit with the Labour Government and deal with the crime problem, instead it was for them a political football said Dr. Drew., who pointed out that all the promises made by the Prime Minister and his PLP/CCM/PAM candidates who are now ministers have not resulted in a reduction of crime.

Dr. Drew said the government has no plans and no vision and is yet to exhibit any serious measure to arrest the escalating murders, armed robberies, rapes, burglaries and other incidents.

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