Havana, Cuba (16th July, 2020): In the flurry of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Medical Sciences Dr. Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara de la Serna of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, successfully hosted the graduation of some 48 foreign students earlier today on the school’s compound.
Dr. Louwana Dorset, Dr. Jonathan Carty and Dr. Kentisha Daley all received their medical degrees, in a vibrant yet brief ceremony. This year, St. Kitts and Nevis was featured among the countries whose alumni were recognized for outstanding performance in various activities. Dr. Dorset was honoured for her stellar contributions in culture.
With all protocols observed, the doctors were able to celebrate their academic achievements in the presence of their national representatives, lecturers and friends. For the first time, the University was forced to have two separate graduations to accommodate the physical distancing measures required during this pandemic. Tomorrow, the school’s compounds will come alive again with the graduation of the Cuban doctors. This year, over 900 foreign professionals will graduate from Cuban institutions.
During the past seven years, these three young persons received scholarships to become doctors. St. Kitts and Nevis is eternally grateful for the opportunity our students receive to pursue a career in Cuba. With the graduation of Drs. Dorset, Carty and Daley, St Kitts and Nevis now has on record, approximately 100 professionals who were trained in Cuba.
St. Kitts and Nevis’ Ambassador to Cuba, H.E. Mrs. Verna Mills was among the dignitaries present to witness, honour and share in the pride and joy of the significant accomplishments of the students.
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