Rotaract Club of Nevis donates to Education

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Photo caption: Mr. Kris Liburd, sitting President of the Rotaract Club of Nevis, presenting a gift of books to Ms. Zahnela Claxton, Principal Education Officer, on September 10, 2019 at the Department of Education

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 12, 2019) — Mr. Kris Liburd, sitting President of the Rotaract Club of Nevis, says he is hopeful that a donation of books from the club will benefit students and teachers on Nevis at private and government-owned schools.

His comment came while presenting 40 boxes of books to Ms. Zahnela Claxton, Principal Education Officer in the Department of Education, at a presentation ceremony at the department on September 10, 2019.

“Today we are making a presentation of books to the Department of Education for the ultimate benefit of the students and teachers at the various private and public primary and secondary schools here on the island.

“We thought that it was very fitting to make the donation around this time as on Sunday September 08, we celebrated World Literacy Day. As a club we are interested in the further development of our children and young people and we wanted to play our part in advancing their educational path,” he said.

Photo caption: A section of the collection of books donated to the Department of Education by the Rotaract Club of Nevis on September 10, 2019

In response Ms. Claxton expressed gratitude on behalf of the students and teachers and assured that the books would be utilised for the purpose intended and underscored the importance of literacy.

“We can assure you that these items will be used in the schools. They will be used by both teachers and students and I know that they will be beneficial and we always take opportunities like this to encourage other partners to join and to make contributions and donations to our students so that we can continue to see them as they grow and develop.

Photo caption:  (l-r) Ms. Tamalyn Vyphuis, club member; Ms. Keishara Liburd, Treasurer; Mr.  Shonroy Caesar, Club Secretary and Mr. Kris Liburd, sitting President of the Rotaract Club of Nevis; Ms. Zahnela Claxton, Principal Education Officer in the Department of Education; and Mr. Kevin Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, at a presentation ceremony  at the Department of Education on September 10, 2019

“Literacy is very important and sometimes we feel that books are obsolete, that we don’t have a need for books, but books are important and we want to make sure these get into the hands of our students so that they can use them,” she said

Also present was Mr. Kevin Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), and other members of the Rotaract Club – Mr.  Shonroy Caesar, Secretary; Ms. Keishara Liburd, Treasurer; and Ms. Tamalyn Vyphuis, club member.


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