Prime Minister and Minister of Environment Meet with Disgruntled SWMC workers

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Prime Minister and Minister of Environment Meet with Disgruntled SWMC workers

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, 6 October, 2022 – Workers from the Solid Waste Management Agency (SWMC) met with Prime Minister Hon Dr Terrance Drew and Minister of Environment Hon Dr Joyelle Clarke late Wednesday afternoon to discuss the way forward for the Corporation.

The workers pressed for a meeting so that they could table burning issues they deemed were unfit and unfair. Matters including salary and risk pay, standardized policy for operations, basic sanitation and security.

Prime Minister, Hon Dr Terrance Drew told the workers that his government will leave no stone unturned in trying to rectify these concerns and that it is the intention of the government to always protect workers.

Meanwhile, Minister with direct responsibility for Solid Waste, Hon Dr Joyelle Clarke said having heard what the workers have been enduring, such things as poor management and working conditions, she will get the ball rolling so that they can once again, be able to access basic worker’s rights.

Previous meetings were held with workers from each division of the SWMC including litter wardens, administration and truck drivers and loaders.


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