Premier Brantley tours Gingerland Secondary School

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NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 23, 2023) —Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance, gave his commitment and that of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) to continue working closely with the Gingerland Secondary School (GSS) as they expand the educational infrastructure on the island.

Photo caption: (L-r) Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis, with Mr. Kayno David, Principal of the Gingerland Secondary School, during a visit to the school on March 23, 2023

Mr. Brantley gave the comment at the end of a tour of the GSS on March 23, 2023, at the invitation of Principal Mr. Kayno David.

“I’m happy to be here at Gingerland Secondary. It’s not ‘my school.’ I didn’t have the privilege of going to school here but certainly, what I’m seeing here I’m quite impressed with improvements particularly the infrastructural improvements that are made here. So we continue to work, Principal.

Photo caption: (L-r) Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis; Hon. Troy Liburd, Minister of Education; Mr. Kevin Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education; and Mr. Kayno David, Principal of the Gingerland Secondary, taking a look at the technical vocational wing of the school on March 23, 2023

“I give my commitment and the Administration’s commitment to continue to work with you as we build out the infrastructure for education to ensure that our children have safe schools, good schools, and that our teachers and staff are comfortable as well. So you have our commitment on that, and thank you for the hospitality displayed this morning,” he said.

Photo caption: (L-r) Hon. Troy Liburd, Minister of Education; Hon. Mark Brantley Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance; Mr. Kayno David, Principal of Gingerland Secondary School; and Mr. Kevin Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education at the Gingerland Secondary School on March 23, 2023

The Premier who was accompanied by Hon. Troy Liburd, Minister of Education, and Mr. Kevin Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, noted that his visit came while the school was preparing for the Inter-High Championships during the upcoming weekend in St. Kitts. He used the opportunity to urge Nevisians to support both the GSS and the Charlestown Secondary School whose students will be participating.

Meantime, in a brief response to Mr. Brantley, Principal David thanked him, Mr. Liburd and Mr. Barrett for visiting the school and spending genuine time with students and staff at the facility.


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