NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (August 24, 2020) — Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance, has put on record his appreciation to theSt. Christopher and Nevis Social Security Board for its continued support towards the development of the people of Nevis.
The Premier expressed his gratitude to the Social Security Board of Directors, management and team,while delivering remarks at the Social Security Self-Employed Symposium at the St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall in Charlestown on August 19, 2020.
“I’m an unabashed supporter of social security. I feel that in every aspect of human endeavour, in everything that we have done, Social Security has been there.
“If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it taught us that when the chips were down and push came to shove, it was Social Security more than any other institution that stood with the people of St. Kitts and Nevis,” he said.
Premier Brantley urged both self-employed and other employees to support the Social Security Fund by paying their contributions. Stressing the importance of the fund, he said Social Security could only continue to provide support to persons if it remains healthy.
“A lot of times when things are good, we don’t pay, we don’t register, we forget, some even say it’s a tax, but when things are bad everyone finds their way up to Social Security looking for help. I say that to say this, we all must make that effort, self-employed as well as regular employees, to do right by Social Security.
“Social Security has always been there for us. We have to appreciate that Social Security can only survive, and I’m happy to hear that it is in good health, but that good health can only be maintained if we all do our part, and to do your part you should become registered, and you should ensure that you pay into Social Security. It is the most important safety net that the country has had, and that currently exists in St. Kitts and Nevis,” he said.
Pointing out that some $5 million was disbursed to Nevisians under the Social Security COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, Premier Brantley said thepayout was demonstrative of how critical Social Security is to Nevis.
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