Pulse Administrator
2 Min Read
Philo Wallace
justice for philo


The shocking death of promising cricketer Philo Wallace on that Friday night at Enrique’s Night Club located on the Island Main Road on the Western Side of the Elquemedo Willett Park in late October of 2015 created an animosity towards Police Officers. Today the resentment of officers has the potential to grow further as the echoes of “No Justice, No Peace” would be heard even louder.

“Justice Delayed, Justice Denied”: As news broke that the Inquest jury had ruled 4 to 1 in favour of the killing being a justifiable homicide, (self defense), citizens took to social media to vent their disgust with the decision rendered. From the onset, the handling or non-handling of the matter in arresting and charging the alleged shooter who happened to be an off duty officer was always a cause for concern.

Many would recall that the situation deteriorated further for in the eyes of the Public, the inquest which the High Command ordered was being done by their own and this was viewed as a bias against the deceased and an advantage for the accused.

After several weeks of the Coroner’s Inquest where several witnesses testified along with Investigators and a visit to the crime scene ordered by the Magistrate, the verdict was finally handed down on Thursday 10th March 2016 by the Magistrate which revealed that the Police Officer acted in “Self Defense” and was therefore cleared in this matter.

This outcome has the potential to further erode as there is already a mistrust of the Police by citizens of Nevis and by extension the Federation.

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