Asphalt Plant on Nevis Damaged By Fire

Pulse Administrator
1 Min Read

The Government’s Asphalt Plant suffered some damage due to a fire on December 20, 2022.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Communications and Works, it was noted that an electrical control panel, two burners, as well as two electric motors that run the pumps for the storage tank were destroyed. Additionally, the storage tank sustained some damage to the outside protective covering.

The release further stated that….

The Public Works Department (PWD) has sourced the replacement parts and is in the process of finalizing payment for them. It is hoped that the parts will be received within three weeks of payment.

Potholes are being filled with concrete by the Public Works Department as a short term fix to provide relief for motorists.

The Department craves the understanding of all affected as we work towards the eventual restoration of the Asphalt Plant to the level of production that we had prior to the fire incident of December 2022.

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